1. C.U. Chisholm, The structure and properties of ternary Ni−Cr−Fe electrodeposited alloys. Review, Paisley College of Technology (1985).
2. A. Watson, C.U. Chisholm and M.R. El-Sharif: Trans. Inst. Met. Finish, 64 (1986) 149.
3. A. Watson, C.U. Chisholm and M.R. El-Sharif: Trans. Inst. Met. Finish, 60 (1988) 34.
4. A. Vértes, A. Watson, C.U. Chisholm, I. Czakó-Nagy, E. Kuzmann, M.R. El-Sharif: Electrochimica Acta, 32 (1987) 1761.
5. A. Watson, E. Kuzmann, A. Vértes, C.U. Chisholm, M.R. El-Sharif, I. Czakó-Nagy: Trans. Inst. Met. Finish (1988) accepted for publication.