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2. Rawolle, J/ Hess, T: Okonomische Aspekte der Nutzung von XML in der Medienindustrie, in: Turowski, K. (Hrsg.): XML fUr betriebliche Anwendungen - Standards, Mbglichkeiten und Praxisbeispiele, Heidelberg 2001, S. 229–244
3. Hess, T: Planning and Control of Virtual Corporations in the Service Industry: The Prototype VICOPLAN, in: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on System Sciences — 2002, Hawaii 2002, o. S.
4. Anding, M./ Hess, T: Online Content Syndication — A critical Analysis from the Perspective of Transaction Cost Theory, in: Proceedings of the Xth European Conference on Information Systems, Danzig 2002, S. 551–556
5. Köhler, L. / Anding, M./ Hess, T: Exploiting the power of product platforms for the media industry — a conceptual framework for digital goods and its customization for content syndicators, in: Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP Conference 2003, Sao Paulo 2003, S. 303–313