1. A. Szweda, A. Hendry and K. H. Jack, “Special Ceramics 7”, Proceedings of the British Ceramic Society No. 31, edited by J. Taylor and P. Popper (British Ceramic Society, Stoke-on-Trent, 1981) p. 107.
2. A. Hendry and K. H. Jack, “Special Ceramics 6”, edited by P. Popper, (B.C.R.A., Stoke-on-Trent, 1975) p. 199.
3. K. Komeya and H. Inoue, J. Mater, Sci.
10 (1975) 1244.
4. J-G. Lee, PhD thesis, University of Utah (1976).
5. J-G. Lee and I. B. Cutler, “Nitrogen Ceramics”, edited by F. L. Riley (Noordhof, Leyden, 1977) p. 175.