1. Barabas, S. (1980) In support of the Year of the Biosphere,Water Quality Bulletin, 5(2), 30, 52.
2. Cloud, P. (1980) An International Year of the Biosphere?Environmental Conservation, 7(2), 92.
3. Dunant, J. Henry (1862)Un Souvenir de Solférino. J.-G. Fick, Geneva, 115 pp.
4. Hutchinson, G. E. (1948) On living in the Biosphere.Scientific Monthly, 67(6), 393–398.
5. Laconte, P., Jones, P. H., and Hughes-Evans, D. (1980) Open letter. Support for the World Decade of the Biosphere, 1982–1992.Environmental Conservation, 7(4), 257–258.