1. A. M. Rozen et al., Soviet Report No. 346 at the Third Geneva Conference [in Russian] (1964).
2. A. N. Rozen and Yu. G. Mitskevich, in: Liquid Extraction [in Russian], Khimiya, Leningrad (1969), p. 5.
3. A. M. Rozen, Atomic Energy Review,6, No. 2, 59 (1968).
4. A. M. Rozen, V. N. Maksimov, and Yu. V. Reshet'ko, Teor. Osnovy Khim. Teknol.,2, No. 3, 462 (1968).
5. A. M. Rozen, Yu. Reshet'ko, and M. Ya. Zel'venskii, in: Proceedings of a Symposium of the Council for Mutual Economic Aid, ?Investigations in the Field of Reprocessing of Irradiated Fuel? [in Russian], Vol. 1, ChKAE, Prague, 118 (1972).