1. A. S. Wightman, "Some mathematical problems in relativistic quantum theory," Colloques internationaux à Lille, June, 1957, Paris (1959), pp. 1–38.
2. Yu. M. Berezanskii, "Integral representation of positive definite Wightman functionals," Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,19, No. 1, 89–95 (1967).
3. Yu. M. Berezanskii (Ju. M. Berezanskij), "The problem of moments and representations of Wightman-type functionals by continual integrals," V Winter School of Theoretical Physics in Karpacz, February 18–March 2, 1968, Vol. 1A, Wroclaw (1968), pp. 23–51.
4. R. F. Streater and A. S. Wightman, PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That, Benjamin (1964).
5. V. P. Gachok, "Self-adjointness of field operators and the problem of moments," Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,17, No. 5, 3–13 (1965).