1. J Perrin,Atoms (Constable, London, 1916; reprinted by Oxbow Press, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 1990).
2. S Chandrasekhar,Rev. Mod. Phys., 15, 1–89 (1943); reprinted in N Wax,Selected papers on noise and stochastic processes (Dover, New York, 1954), which has several other classic papers on Brownian motion.
3. A Einstein,Investigations on the theory of the Brownian movement (Methuen, London, 1926; reprinted by Dover, New York).
4. Balakrishnan Ramaswamy, Fractals: A New Geometry of Nature,Resonance, Vol.2, No.10, 62, 1997.
5. R P Feynman, R B Leighton and M Sands,The Feynman Lectures in Physics (Addison-Wesley): Vol. I, ch. 41; Vol. II, ch. 19, 1963.