1. ACSQ [Advisory Committee on Social Questions] (1937). Draft report of the ACSQ, 1st session, April–May. ALON: ACSQ.
2. ACTWC [Advisory Committee on the Traffic in Women and Children] (1925). Draft minutes of ACTWC fourth session, 20–27 May. ALON, ACTWC 273.
3. ACTWC Secretariat (1925). Report submitted to the fourth ACTWC session. ALON, ACTWC 229.
4. AEG, ASCIU [Archives of the State of Geneva, Archives of the Save the Children International Union] (1923). Minutes of the fourth General Council, 22–23 February 1923. AP92.3.29.
5. ALON [Archives of the League of Nations] (1926). Minutes. ASDN, C 264 M 103. 1926. IV: CPE/2e session, PV.