1. A. Mihajlović, S. Malčić and O. Nešić,J. Inst. Metals 99 (1971) 19.
2. A. Mihajlović, M. Jovanović and O. Nešić,Metals Technol. (1979) 190.
3. A. Mance,Paper presented at the 4th Yugoslav Symposium of Electrochemistry, Dubrovnik, June (1975) 417.
4. A. Mihajlović and A. Mance,Metllogr. 9 (1976) 71.
5. A. Mihajlović, A. Mance and V. Perocić, ‘Microstructural Science’, Vol. 1, Elsevier, New York (1974) 259.