1. G. Riblet and K. Winzer,Solid State Commun. 9, 1663 (1971).
2. G. v. Minnigerode, H. Armbrüster, G. Riblet, F. Steglich, and K. Winzer, inLow Temperature Physics LT-13 (Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, Boulder, Colorado, 1972) (Plenum, New York, 1973).
3. W. Felsch and K. Winzer,Solid State Commun. 13, 569 (1973).
4. K. Winzer,Z. Phys. 265, 139 (1973).
5. H. Armbrüster, H. v. Löhneysen, G. Riblet, and F. Steglich, to appear inSolid State Commun.