1. lCQ Home Page, at http://www.icq
2. Dix A. Challenges and perspectives for cooperative work on the Web, In: Busbach U, Kerr D, Sikkel K. (eds) ERCIM workshop on CSCW and the Web, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 1996, GMD/FIT
3. Bentley R, Horstmann T, Trevor J. The World Wide Web as enabling technology for CSCW: The case of BSCW. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 1997; 6
4. Holtman K., The Futplex system. In: Busbach U, Kerr D, Sikkel K. (eds) ERCIM workshop on CSCW and the Web, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 1996, GMD/FIT
5. Walther M. Supporting development of synchronous collaboration tools on the Web with GroCo. In: Busbach U, Kerr D, Sikkel K. (eds) ERCIM workshop on CSCW and the Web, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 1996, GMD/FIT