1. Y. Saji, E. Tanaka, K. Yagi, H. Ejiri, Y. Ishizaki, M. Koike, K. Matsuda, Y. Nakajima andI. Nonaka:Institute for Nuclear Study Journal, INSJ-72 (1964).
2. S. Hinds andR. Middleton:Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Nuclear Structure (Toronto, 1960), p. 946;P. M. Endt andC. Van der Leun:Nucl. Phys.,34, 1 (1962).
3. The INS DWBA 1 code employs the zero-range interactions and the harmonic-oscillator wave function for the bound neutron and neglects the spin-orbit interaction for the incident and outgoing particle in the optical potentials and for the bound neutron. This code was developed byT. Udagawa, K. Kubo, H. Yamaura andS. Yoshida.
4. The3He parameters are deduced from the40A(3He,3He) elastic scattering data (E L =28.5 MeV) byAguilar et al. (5), and the α parameters are from,e.g.,40A(α, α) data (E L =18 MeV) bySeidlitz et al. (6). The parameter values given in Table I are preliminary ones.
5. J. Aguilar, W. E. Burcham, J. B. A. England, A. Garcia, P. E. Hodgson, P. V. March, J. S. C. McKee, E. M. Mosinger andW. T. Toner:Proc. Roy. Soc., A257, 13 (1960).