1. R.M.A.Azzam, N.M.Bashara: Appl. Phys.1, 203 (1973)
2. H.Poincaré:Théorie mathématique de la lumière (Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1892), Vol. 2, Chap. 12
3. G.A.Deschamps: Proc. IRE39, 540 (1951)
4. This proof is available for the interested reader. [We also have the solution of the reverse problem whereby (8) is obtained from the cosine-squared law as a starting point by the use of the stereographic projection that links the complex plane and the Poincaré sphere]
5. The discussion also applies to the construction of an optical polarizer that produces a specified state (linear, circular or elliptic) at its output