1. Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPCs) of Atmospheric Pollutants in Population Centers [in Russian], GN, Moscow (2003).
2. Rules for Protecting Surface Waters from Waste-Water Pollution [in Russian], Ministry of Amelioration and Water Management. Ministry of Fisheries and Chief State Health Physician, Moscow (1974).
3. A. Kabata-Pendias and H. Pendias, Trace Elements in Soils and Plants, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla. (1984) [Russian translation, Yu. E. Saet (Ed.), pp. 90–92].
4. B. N. Kolbasov and D. K. Kurbatov, Vopr. At. Nauki Tekh., Ser.: Termoyad. Sint., 26, No. 3, 32–60 (2003).
5. Departmental decree “On approval of GN 2.1.7.-13 “Maximum permissible concentrations (MPCs) of beryllium oxide in soils of population centers and farmlands”; http://regulation.gov.ru/projects#npa=17582 .