1. Bartosz Balis, Marian Bubak, Wlodzimierz Funika, Tomasz Szepieniec, and Roland Wismüller. Monitoring of Interactive Grid Applications. To appear in Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar 02341 on Performance Analysis and Distributed Computing. Kluiver Academi Publishers. 2003.
2. Bernd Mohr, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, and Felix Wolf. Towards a Performance Tool Interface for OpenMP: An Approach Based on Directive Rewriting. In EWOMP'01 Third European Workshop on OpenMP, Sept. 2001.
3. The Top 500 Supercomputer Sites. http://www.top500.org
4. Michael Gerndt and Karl Fürlinger. Towards Automatic Performance Analysis for Large Scale Systems. At the 10th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 2003). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. January 2003.
5. The Hitachi Performance Monitor Function (Hitachi Confidential).