1. J. Jürjens and Pasha Shabalin. A foundation for tool-supported critical systems development with UML. In 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2004), Brno, Czech Republic, May 24–26 2004. IEEE Computer Society, New York.
2. J. Jürjens and P. Shabalin. XML-based analysis of UML models for critical systems development. In Advances in UML and XML Based Software Evolution. IDEA Group Publishing, 2004. To be published.
3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;J. Jürjens,2004
4. J. Jürjens. Logic for security. In Spring School “Logic in Computer Science”, Venezia, 2004. Graduate school on Logic in Informatics, Munich.
5. J. Jürjens. Developing high-assurance secure systems with UML: An electronic purchase protocol. In Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (RASE 2004), pages 231–240. IEEE Computer Society, New York, 2004.