1. H.G. Schuster: Complex Adaptive Systems (Scator Publisher, 2001, see also http://www.theo-physik.uni-kiel.de).
2. F. Crick, C. Koch, Nature, 391,245(1998); P.J.Fitzgerald, S.S.Hsiao, K.O.Johnson, E.Niebur, Nature, 404, 187 (2000).
3. Allman: Evolving Brains (W.H.Freeman and Company, New York, 1999).
4. H.G. Schuster: Deterministic Chaos (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1994).
5. A.R. Damasio: The Feeling of What Happens p.178, (Harcourt Brace and Company, New York, 1999).