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2. Ivanov, V.K., Mel’nikova, I.V., and Filinkov, A.I.,Differentsial’no-operatornye uravneniya i nekorrektnye zadachi (Operator-Differential Equations and Ill-Posed Problems), Moscow, 1995.
3. Dunford, N. and Schwartz, J.,Linear Operators. General Theory, New York, 1958. Translated under the titleLineinye operatory. Obshchaya teoriya, Moscow: Mir, 1962.
4. Hille, E. and Philips, R.,Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups, Providence, 1957. Translated under the titleFunktsional’nyi analiz i polugruppy, Moscow: Mir, 1962.
5. Doetsch, G.,Anleitung zum praktischen Gebrauch der Laplace-Transformation und der Z-Trans-formation, Munich: Oldenbourg, 1967. Translated under the titleRukovodstvo k prakticheskomu primeneniyu preobrazovaniya Laplasa i Z-preobrazovaniya, Moscow, 1972.