1. A. S. KOBAYASHI, “Experimental Techniques in Fracture Mechanics”, Vols 1 and 2 (Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, and Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, Wesport, Connecticut, 1975).
2. C. J. BEEVERS (ed.), “Advances in Crack Length Measurement” (Chamelon, London, 1982).
3. K. F. STARK, J. DENK and G. KIESLING,Mater. Technik 2 (1983) 43.
4. F. KERKHOF, “Fracture des verres” (Saint-Gobain Industries, 1974).
5. T. A. MICHALSKE and V. D. FRÉCHETTE,Int. J. Fract. 17 (1981) 251.