1. Haagensen, C. D. 1986. Diseases of the breast, 3rd ed., chapter 54. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.
2. Breasted, J. H. 1930. The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus, p. 363–463. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
3. Robbins, G. F. 1981. Silvergirl’s surgery: the breast, p. 15–17. Silvergirl, Austin, TX.
4. Haagensen, C. D. and W. E. Lloyd. 1943. A Hundred Years of Medicine, p. 266–269. Sheridan House, Inc., New York, NY.
5. Gross, W. S. 1880. A practical treatise on tumors of the mammary gland. New York.