1. Nat Hentoff (1997) Duty to die? Washington Post, May 31, v. 128, p. Al, col. 1.
2. Richard Lamm (1984) Long time dying, The New Republic, August 27, pp. 20–23.
3. John Hardwig (1997) Is there a duty to die? Hastings Center Report 27, no. 2, 34–42;
4. Margaret Battin (1987) Age rationing and the just distribution of health care: is there a duty to die? Ethics 97: 2 317340.
5. See, for example, Rosamond Rhodes (1998) Physicians, assisted suicide, and the right to live or die, in Battin, Rhodes, and Silvers, Physician Assisted Suicide, Routledge, New York, pp. 165–176.