1. Aquinas, T. (1929). Scriptum super Libros Sententiarum Magistri Petri Lombardi Episcopi Parisiensis. Edited by P. Mandonnet. P. Lethielleux.
2. Aquinas T. (1946). Summa theologica (3 Vols.). Benzinger Bros. [Aquinas, T. (1962). Summa theologiae. Editiones Paulinae.]
3. Aquinas T. (1955-1957). On the truth of the catholic faith: Summa contra gentiles (4 Vols.). Garden City: Image Books. [Aquinas T. (1961). Summa contra gentiles (3 Vols.). Marietti.]
4. Aquinas T. (1964). Summa theologiae: volume 2, existence and nature of God: 1a. 2–11. Cambridge University Press. [Aquinas, T. (1962). Summa theologiae. Editiones Paulinae.]
5. Aquinas, T. (1993). Truth (3 Vols.). Preserving Christian Publications. [Aquinas, T. (1972–1976). Questiones disputatae de veritate (Vol. 22/1–3 of Opera Omnia). Typographia polyglotta.]