1. R.M. Osgood, Jr., S.R.J. Brueck, H.R. Schlossberg (eds.): Laser Diagnostics and Photochemical Processing for Semiconductors, (North-Holland, New York 1983)
2. A.W. Johnson, D.J. Ehrlich, H.R. Schlossberg (eds.): Laser-Controlled Chemical Processing of Surfaces, (North-Holland, New York 1984)
3. D. Bäuerle (ed.): Laser Processing and Diagnostics, Springer Series Chem. Phys., Vol. 39, (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1984)
4. D.J. Ehrlich, J.Y. Tsao: Laser Microfabrication ? Thin Film Processes and Lithography, (Academic Press, San Diego, London 1989)
5. M. Takai, S. Nagatomo, T. Koizumi, Y.F. Lu, K. Gamo, S. Namba: Laser Processing and Diagnostics (II), ed. by D. Bäuerle, K.L. Kompa, L. Lande (Les Editions de Phys., Cedex 1986) p. 57