Eine endliche Pr�sentation der symplektischen GruppeSp 4(?)


Behr Helmut


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Mathematics

Reference7 articles.

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1. A braid-like presentation of the integral Steinberg group of type C2;Journal of Algebra;2020-09

2. Dihedral symmetries of gauge theories from dual Calabi-Yau threefolds;Physical Review D;2019-03-27

3. SOME MONODROMY GROUPS OF FINITE INDEX IN;Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society;2015-03-30

4. ON AN ACTION OF THE BRAID GROUP B2g+2 ON THE FREE GROUP F2g;International Journal of Algebra and Computation;2013-06

5. Linear groups over general rings. I. Generalities;Journal of Mathematical Sciences;2013-01-12








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