1. Marketing Study of the Shot Market in the Russian Federation: Research Report, Tsvetmetobrabotka Institute, Moscow (1994).
2. GOST 7837–76, Hunting, Sporting Shot, and Buckshot, Standarty, Moscow (1976).
3. Method and Device for Preparing Granules of Prescribed Dimension and Shape from Molten Metals and Alloys of Lead, Tin, Aluminum, Zinc: Advertising Sheet of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Presidium, Vneshtorgizdt, Moscow (1985).
4. A. K. Martens (ed.), Technical Encyclopaedia, Sov. Entsiklop., Moscow (1929), Vol. 7.
5. Okhota Okhotn. Khoz., No. 7/8, 23 (1992).