1. Aldana-Valdes, Eduardo (1971). ?Towards Microanalytic Models of Urban Transportation Demand? Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, M.I.T. Department of Civil Engineering, Cambridge, Mass.
2. Ben-Akiva, Moshe (1973). ?Structure of Passenger Travel Demand Models? Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, M.I.T. Department of Civil Engineering, Cambridge, Mass.
3. Buro Goudappel en Coffeng and Cambridge Systematics Inc. (1974). Disaggregate and Simultaneous Travel Demand Models: A Dutch Case Study, Prepared for the Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, The Hague.
4. Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (1973?1974). Series of unpublished technical memoranda on Automobile Ownership project.
5. Charles River Associates, Inc. (1972). ?A Disaggregate Behavioral Model of Urban Travel Demand.? Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington D.C.