1. A. Cibula: The Mechanism of Grain Refinement in Sand Castings in Aluminum Alloys, J. Inst, of Metals, 1949, vol. 76, part 4, p. 321.
2. D. Turnbull: Principles of Solidification, Thermodynamics in Physical Metallurgy, ASM, 1950, p. 282.
3. D. Turnbull and B. Vonnegut: Nucleation Catalysis, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1952, vol. 44, p. 1292.
4. W. A. Tiller, K. A. Jackson, J. W. Rutter and B. Chalmers: The Redistribution of Solute Atoms During the Solidification of Metals, Acta. Met. 1953, vol. 1, p. 428.
5. W. A. Tiller: Preferred Growth Direction of Metals, AIME Transactions, 1957, vol. 209, p. 847.