1. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Surface Finishing, Interfinish ’88, (Paris: Association Française des Ingénieurs et Technicians de 1’Electrolyse et des Traitements de Surface 1988), pp. 111–171.
2. F. Naoji and N. Tadao, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Surface Finishing, Interfinish ’88, (Paris: Association Française des Ingénieurs et Technicians de l’Electrolyse et des Traitements de Surface 1988), pp. 119–127.
3. A.R. Poeton, “Composite Coatings for Advanced Performance,” Metals and Materials (1988), pp. 702–704.
4. P.R. Ebdon, “The Performance of Electroless Nickel-PTFE Composites,” Plating and Surface Finishing, 75,9 (September 1988), pp. 65–68.
5. A. Lavanant and G. Maurin, “Electrodeposition of Ni/SiC Composite Coating,” presented at a meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Chicago (October 1988).