1. Ya. P. Lumel'skii and M. G. Shekhovtsova, “On the comparison of unbiased and maximum likelihood estimators,”Mathematics: Scientific Reports of Perm University [in Russian], No. 271 (1973).
2. Ya. P. Lumel'skii “On two methods of estimation of trouble-free performance probability for the Poisson flow of failures”,Reliability and Quality Control [in Russian], No. 1 (1973).
3. V. V. Chichagov and M. G. Shekhovtsova, “Two problems of comparison of point estimators”,Statistical Methods, Perm University [in Russian] (1978).
4. Ya. P. Lumel'skii,Statistical Estimators of the Results of Quality Control [in Russian], Standards Publishing House, Moscow (1979).
5. Ya. P. Lumel'skii and N. V. Medvedeva, “Quadratic error of an unbiased estimator for a normal distribution density”,Statistical methods, Perm University [in Russian], (1980).