1. M. A. Akivis, Three-webs of multidimensional surfaces (Russian),Trudy Geometr. Sem.,2 (1969), 7–31.
2. M. A. Akivis, The local differentiable quasigroups and three-webs that are determined by a triple of hypersurfaces (Russian),Sibirsk. Mat. Zh.,14 (1973), 467–474. English translation:Siberian Math. J.,14 (1973), 319–324.
3. M. A. Akivis, The local algebras of a multidimensional three-web (Russian),Sibirsk. Mat. Zh.,17 (1976), 5–11. English translation:Siberian Math. J.,17 (1976), 3–8.
4. M. A. Akivis and V. V. Goldberg,Introductory Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall, Inc. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1972), vii+167 pp.
5. M. A. Akivis and V. V. Goldberg, The four-web and the local differentiable ternary quasigroup that are determined by a quadruple of surfaces of codimension two (Russian),Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat.,5 (144) (1974), 12–24. English translation:Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ),18 (1974), 9–19.