1. Bareiss, E. H., Barlow, J. L.: Probabilistic error analysis of computer arithmetics. Northwestern University DOE Report COO-2280-37 (December 1978).
2. Bareiss, E. H., Grau, A. A.: Basics of the CRD computer. Northwestern University ERDA Report COO-2280-35 (August 1977).
3. Barlow, J. L.: Probabilistic error analysis of floating point and CRD arithmetics. Ph. D. Thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (June 1981 [a]).
4. Barlow, J. L.: On the distribution of accumulated roundoff error in floating point arithmetic. Proc. Fifth IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1981 [b]).
5. Barlow, J. L., Bareiss, E. H.: Probabilistic error analysis of Gaussian elimination in floating point and logarithmic arithmetic. Computing34, 349–364 (1985).