1. A. A. Grossgeim, The Flora of the Caucasus [in Russian], Vol. 7 (1967), p. 88.
2. A. Z. Abyshev, P. P. Denisenko, D. Z. Abyshev, and Yu. B. Kerimov, Khim. Prir. Soedin., 640 (1977).
3. A. Z. Abyshev, P. P. Denisenko, D. Z. Abyshev, and Yu. B. Kerimov, Farmatsiya, No. 2, 42 (1977).
4. A. Z. Abyshev, I. P. Sidorova, D. Z. Abyshev, et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin., 434 (1982).
5. D. Z. Abyshev, Abstracts of Lectures at the IInd Intercollegiate Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists [in Russian], Perm' (1981), p. 4.