1. C. Lemaignan and Y. Malmejac: COSPAR Symposium on Materials Science in Space, Philadelphia, PA, June 1976, Paper D.2.4.
2. A.O. Ukanawa: Skylab Results M-74-5, 1974, p. 425.
3. G. Frohberg, K-H. Kraatz, and H. Wever: 5th European Symposium on Materials Sciences under Microgravity—Results of Spacelab-1, Schloss Elmau, FRG, November 1984, pp. 201–06.
4. P. A. Curreri, D. M. Stefanescu, and J. C. Hendrix: NASA TM-8. 2528, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, April 1983.
5. J.C.. Hendrix, P.A. Curreri, and D.M. Stefanescu:AFS Trans., 1984, vol. 92, pp. 435–58.