1. V.I. Dobatkin. The Light Alloys (a collection of articles), No. 1, ed. USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958.
2. S.N. Tarantov and Kuzin, V.G. Transactions of MATI, No. 30, Oborongiz, 1956.
3. P.A. Sarychev. The Flow of Aluminum Alloys in Pressing, Oborongiz, 1940.
4. S.S. Gorelik, Bublik, V.M., and Kushnir, I.P. Bulletin of the Higher Institutions of Learning, Ferrous Metallurgy, No. 1, 1959.
5. D. Burke, and Thornbull, D. Achievements in Physical Metallurgy, Vol. 1, Metallurgizdat, 1956.