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2. Bloch G, Loth J, Bruder M, Sattelmayer T (2012) Effects of turbulence and longitudinal vortices on vapor distribution and heat fluxes in subcooled flow boiling. In: Proceedings of ECI 8th boiling and condensation. Lausanne, Switzerland
3. Bloch G, Muselmann W, Saier M, Sattelmayer T (2013) A phenomenological study on effects leading to the departure from nucleate boiling in subcooled flow boiling. Int J Heat Mass Transf 67:61–69
4. Bloch G, Sattelmayer, T (2014) Effects of turbulence and secondary flows on subcooled flow boiling. Heat Mass Transf 9
5. Bloch G, Schmitt D, Sattelmayer T (2011) Influence of turbulence induced by perforated plates on heat transfer and critical heat flux in subcooled flow boiling. In: Proceedings of ITP-2011, Dresden, Germany