1. S. Pasterski, S.-H. Shao and A. Strominger, Flat Space Amplitudes and Conformal Symmetry of the Celestial Sphere, Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 065026 [arXiv:1701.00049] [INSPIRE].
2. A. Strominger, Lectures on the Infrared Structure of Gravity and Gauge Theory, arXiv:1703.05448 [INSPIRE].
3. A.-M. Raclariu, Lectures on Celestial Holography, arXiv:2107.02075 [INSPIRE].
4. S. Pasterski, Lectures on celestial amplitudes, Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021) 1062 [arXiv:2108.04801] [INSPIRE].
5. S. Pasterski, M. Pate and A.-M. Raclariu, Celestial Holography, in 2022 Snowmass Summer Study, [arXiv:2111.11392] [INSPIRE].