D4-branes wrapped on four-dimensional orbifolds through consistent truncation


Couzens ChristopherORCID,Kim Hyojoong,Kim Nakwoo,Lee YeinORCID,Suh Minwoo


Abstract We construct a consistent truncation of six-dimensional matter coupled F(4) gauged supergravity on a cornucopia of two-dimensional surfaces including a spindle, disc, domain wall and other novel backgrounds to four-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. Using our consistent truncation we uplift known AdS2× Σ1 solutions giving rise to four-dimensional orbifold solutions, AdS2× Σ1 ⋉ Σ2. We further uplift our solutions to massive type IIA supergravity by constructing the full uplift formulae for six-dimensional U(1)2-gauged supergravity including all fields and arbitrary Romans mass and gauge coupling. The solutions we construct are naturally interpreted as the near-horizon geometries of asymptotically AdS6 black holes with a four-dimensional orbifold horizon. Alternatively, one may view them as the holographic duals of superconformal quantum mechanical theories constructed by compactifying five-dimensional USp(2N) theory living on a stack of D4-D8 branes on the four-dimensional orbifolds. As a first step to identifying these quantum mechanical theories we compute the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy holographically.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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1. Equivariant volume extremization and holography;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-01-17

2. Symmetry breaking and consistent truncations from M5-branes wrapping a disc;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-01-16

3. Equivariant localization and holography;Letters in Mathematical Physics;2024-01-08

4. Localizing wrapped M5-branes and gravitational blocks;Physical Review D;2023-11-08

5. Spindle black holes in AdS4 × SE7;Journal of High Energy Physics;2023-10-23








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