1. F. Kahnert, a.o., Economic Integration among Developing Countries, OECD-Development Centre, Paris 1969, Chapter II; A. J. Brown, Should African Countries Form Economic Unions? In: E. J. Jackson (Ed.), Economic Development in Africa (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1965), pp. 176–193; P. Robson, Economic Integration in Africa (London: Allen and Unwin, 1968), Chapter 3; D. Ghai, Integration of Less Developed Areas and of Areas on Different Levels of Development, Discussion Paper presented at the 4th World Congress of the International Economic Association, Budapest, 19 to 24 August 1974.
2. W. N. Willmore, Free Trade in Manufactures among Developing Countries: The Central American Experience, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Chicago, Vol. 20 (1972), pp. 659–670.
3. A. Hazlewood, The East African Common Market: Importance and Effects, Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics, Oxford, Vol. 28 (1966), pp. 1–18, especially p. 12.
4. K. Guruli, Towards an Independent and Equal East African Common Market, East Africa Journal, Nairobi, Vol. 8 (1971), p. 28.
5. L. K. Mytelka, Foreign Aid and Regional Integration: The UDEAC-Case, Journal of Common Market Studies, Oxford, Vol. 12 (1973), pp. 138–158.