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3. O. G. Baklavadzhyan, F. A. Adamyan, and E. A. Avetisyan, "Neuronal responses of the anterior and posterior hypothalamus to vagus and sciatic nerve stimulation and to photic stimulation," Fiziol. Zh. SSSR,63, No. 1, 37 (1977)
4. O. G. Baklavadzhyan, F. A. Adamyan, E. A. Avetisyan, and K. G. Bagdasaryan, "Convergence of visceral afferent impulses on hypothalamic neurons during vagal and splanchnic nerve stimulation," Neirofiziologiya,9, No. 2, 165 (1977).
5. O. G. Baklavadzhyan and E. G. Astvatsatryan, "Comparative electrophysiological investigation of the hypothalamic projection of afferent systems of the splanchnic and sciatic nerves," Fiziol. Zh. SSSR,59, No. 9, (1973).