1. F.C. Schwarz, “An Improved Method of Resonant Current Pulse Modulation for Power Converters,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1975 Record, pp. 194–204, June 1975.
2. R.L. Steigerwald, “High Frequency Resonant Transistor Dc-Dc Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 181–191, May 1984.
3. M. Cosby and R. Nelms, “Designing a Parallel-Loaded Resonant Inverter for an Electronic Ballast Using the Fundamental Approximation,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, 1993 Record, pp. 413–423.
4. M. Gulko and S. Ben-Yaakov, “Current-Sourcing Push-Pull Parallel-Resonance Inverter (CS-PPRI): Theory and Application as a Fluorescent Lamp Driver,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, 1993 Record, pp. 411–417.
5. Y. Cheron, H. Foch, and J. Salesses, “Study of a Resonant Converter Using Power Transistors in a 25kW X-ray Tube Power Supply,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Proceedings ESA Sessions, pp. 295–306, June 1985.