1. R. W. Boom:Wisconsin Superconductive Energy Storage Project Volume 1. 1976, Annual Report. May 1977, Eng. Exp. Station, College of Eng. U. Wisconsin. Madison
2. Priv. Comm.: The SMES utility interested group:“Superconducting Energy Storage Issues and Oppotunities’, A White Paper, Dec. 1992
3. IJ. J. Steckly, IDA/HQ 63–1412, Pulse-Power Conf., Feb. 1963, p53
4. R. W. Boom and H. A. Peterson, IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol. Mag-8, No. 3, Sept. 1972, p701
5. F. Irie and K. Yamafuji, Intern. Inst. of Refr., Low Temp. and Elec. Power, march 1969, p411