1. Hanashima M, Takatsuki T, Nakasugi O (1996) A case study of environmental contamination caused by illegal dumping of hazardous waste. Haikibutu Gakkaishi [Waste Manage Res] 7: 208 – 219
2. As to the Teshima Problem, see: NHK (1997) Yasen no Shikan Nakaboh Kohei [Commander of the field battle]. NHK, Tokyo, Chapter 4
3. In a series of articles printed during November and December of 1997, the Chunichi Shimbun reported that shredder dust had been illegally dumped in the eel-farm waters at Tawara town, Aichi Prefecture. In October 1997, the same newspaper ran a waste problem campaign under the title “What shall we do about the Garbage Archipelago?” The paper claimed that evidence now exists to confirm that the central part of Honshu has been thoroughly polluted by the dumping of construction waste, the open burning of pinball machines and the misuse of self-disposed landfill sites
4. Special Committee on Industrial Waste in the Living Environment (1996) The fundamental direction of countermeasures to cope with industrial waste. Ministry of Health and Welfare, Tokyo
5. Taguchi M (1998) Asahi Shimbun. January 25, 1998