1. H.J.Schafer, E.Cramer, A.Hembrock, and G.Matusczyk, “Electroorganic Synthesis-Festschrift for Manuel M. Balzer”,R.D.Little and N.L.Weinberg Ed., Maecel Dekker Inc.,New York, 1991 pp 169–180, and others are cited therein.
2. a)K.Fujimoto, H.Maekawa, Y.Tokuda, Y.Matsubara, T.Mizuno,and LNishiguchi, Synlett, 1995,661.
3. K.Fujimoto, Y.Mataubara, H.Maekawa, and I.Nishiguchi., Tetrahedron,52(11) 3838(1996).
4. All of the products were characterized by spectroscopic (1H-, 13C NMR, MASS and IR spectra) and elemental analyses.
5. Some works on anodic oxidation of ketones under various conditions has been reported. See