1. Buber, Martin: Between Man and Man, trans. by Ronald Gregor Smith, Boston Beacon Paperback #9, 1955, “Dialogue,” 16.
2. Ibid. Buber, Martin: Between Man and Man, trans. by Ronald Gregor Smith, Boston Beacon Paperback #9, 1955. “Dialogue,” 16.
3. Buber, Martin: Pointing the Way: Collected Essays, edited and trans by Maurice Friedman, New York: Harper & Bros, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957, 206.
4. Buber, Martin: “Distance and Relation,” trans. by R. G. Smith, Psychiatry, Vol. XX, No. 2 (May, 1957), 102.
5. Ibid.,, 104.