1. Benton C. Clark, Crew Activities, Science and Hazards of Manned Missions to Mars, IAF-88-403.
2. Eric M. Jones and Harrison H. Schmitt, ‘Pressure Suit Requirements for Moon and Mars EVAs’, submitted to the American Society of Civil Engineers, Space 92, 31 May 1992, Denver, Colorado; LA-UR-91-3083 (revised).
3. Apollo 17 Technical Crew Debriefing, 4 January 1973, MSC-07631, Training Office, Crew Training and Simulation Division, NASA MSC, Houston, Texas.
4. ‘EVA in Mars Surface Exploration’, Final Report, 31 May 1989, prepared for NASA, LBJ Space Center, Houston, under the Advanced EVA Systems Requirements Definition Study, (NAS9-17779, Phase III), prepared by a cooperative study team from Essex Corporation, Camus Incorporated and Lovelace Scientific Resource Inc.
5. ‘Generic EVA Tasks at Mars’ 1989 Report, p. 31, Table 2-1.