1. (Doctoral thesis);S. Aikman,1994
2. Aikman, S. n. d. The Kemy women: gender and politics in a Harakmbut community in Southeastern Peru. 300p. (Manuscript)
3. Brock, C.; Tulasiewicz W. 1985. Editor's introduction.In: Brock, C.; Tulasiewicz, W.Cultural identity and educational policy. p. 1–10. London, St Martin. 368 p.
4. Burger, J. 1987.Report from the frontier: the state of the world's indigenous people. London, Zed Press/Cultural Survival. 302 p.
5. Casanovas, A.L. 1994. The indigenous territories of Amazonia.Indigenous affairs, (Copenhagen), no 4, October/November/December, p. 16–18. (IWGIA, Fiolstrade 10, 1171 Copenhagen K, Denmark.) [Also published in Spanish.]