1. L. V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, New York, 1953.
2. L. V. Ahlfors, Conformal Mapping. Lecture notes, Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1951.
3. L. V. Ahlfors and A. Beurling, Conformal Invariants. Construction and applications of conformal maps, Proceedings of a Symposium; pp. 243–245. National Bureau of Standards, Appl. Math. Ser., No. 18, Washington, 1952.
4. L. Bieberbach, Funktionentheorie, vol. 2, 2nd edition, Chelsea 1945.
5. H. Cartan, Sur les fonctions de plusieuts variables complexes.Math. Z, 35 (1932), pp. 760–773.