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3. L. M. Dolginov, P. G. Eliseev, M. G. Mil'vidskii, B. N. Sverdlov, and E. G. Shevchenko, ?Stripe-geometry cw heterolaser based on the quaternary solid solution GaInPAs,? Krat. Soobshch. Fiz. FIAN, No. 8, 38?41 (1976).
4. L. M. Dolginov, P. G. Eliseev, M. G. Mil'vidskii, B. N. Sverdlov, V. M. Chupakhina, and E. G. Shevchenko, ?Photoelectric properties of heterostructure based on the quaternary solid solution GaxIn1?xP1?yAsy, and having high quantum efficiency at wavelength 1060 nm,? Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz.,2, No. 14, 631 (1976).
5. L. M. Dolginov, P. G. Eliseev, V. N. Luk'yanov, M. G. Mil'vidskii, B. N. Sverdlov, E. G. Shevchenko, and S. D. Yakubovich, ?Generation of coherent radiation in the GaInPAs/J-P heterostructure with distributed-feedback optical pumping,? Krat. Soobshch. Fiz. FIAN, No. 12, 24?27 (1978).