1. Biswas, A. K.: United Nations Water Conference: Summary and Main Documents. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1978a.
2. Biswas, A. K.: Non-Radiological Environmental Implications of Nuclear Energy. UNEP-IAEA International Panel of Experts Meeting on Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, 1978 b.
3. Biswas, A. K.: Environmental Implications of Water Development for Developing Countries. Water Supply and Management, 2:4, 283?300 (1978c)
4. Biswas, A. K.: Water Development and Environment. Key-Note Lecture, Proceedings, International Conference on Water Pollution Control in Developing Countries, vol. 2, p. 21?32, Lohani, B.N. and Thann, N.C., editors, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1978d.
5. Report;A. K. Biswas,1974