1. World Health Organization (WHO) (2003) Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis. WHO Technical Report Series 921. Available at: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/trs/WHO_TRS_921.pdf. Accessed 20 November 2006
2. Johnnel O, Kanis JA (2006) An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporos Int 17:1726–1733
3. WHO (2004) The World Health Report http://www.who.int/whr/2004/annex/topic/en/annex_4_en.pdf. Accessed 6 February 2006
4. Osteoporosis Society of the Philippines Foundation Inc (OSPFI) (2006) OSPFI’s fight against osteoporosis in the Philippines. Available at: http://www.osteofound.org/member-societies/society.php?id=93. Accessed 28 June 2006
5. Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) (2006) FNRI-DOST Study notes Filipinos have low calcium intakes. Available at: http://www.fnri.dost.gov.ph/wp/lowcalciumintake.htm. Accessed 20 August 2006